Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Michael Vick Legacy

You ever see the show Dexter on Showtime? Well, I’ve been rather obsessed with it of late and I thought I might nominate a particular target for everyone’s favorite serial killer. Now, maybe a little back story: Dexter Morgan is an “orphaned” child who is raised by a noble Miami Police Officer. Early in Dexter’s life, Harry, Dexter’s foster father, realizes that Dexter has an uncontrollable psychological urge to kill, one that cannot be cured with things like therapy. So Harry, feeling attached to this boy, begins to find ways to channel his “son’s” urges toward good. He teaches him to be a perfect, uncatchable murderer, but the only condition is, he can only kill those who take innocent lives and manage to escape justice.

Now read this excerpt from a recent Associated Press story:

“Michael Vick put family pets in rings with pit bulls and thought it was funny watching the trained killers injure or kill the helpless dogs, a witness told federal investigators during the dogfighting investigation that brought Vick down.”
This of course is testimony from someone called “confidential witness Number 1” and his account may be subject to some scrutiny given the fact that he is operating under anonymity. However, reading that, picturing that, can you say that Michael Vick doesn’t sound like a sadistic, vicious murderer? I’m not trying to go all PETA on you I swear. I’m not operating under the precondition to “defend those who cannot defend themselves.” All I’m saying is, picturing that, and then looking at Michael Vick’s face, can you honestly say that you wouldn’t let out a big exhale of relief if Michael Vick suddenly disappeared?
Obviously no one is condoning murder, but it’s one of those human conditions where the end justifies the mysterious means. If these allegations are true, if confidential witness Number 1 wasn’t just blowing smoke up all of our asses, if Michael Vick suddenly disappeared, is there one person out there reading this (all 6 of you) that would actually have a vested interest in finding him?
Now when the whole Michael Vick thing came down, there were a lot of voices, the talking heads, which were saying that it was unjust for people to so harshly judge Michael Vick for his role in a dogfighting operation. Dogs aren’t humans after all, and killers of dogs aren’t real murderers. To counter, I present this, my psychological analysis for why dogs are so beloved in our society. The first reason is joy, whether we work for their affection or not, dogs have an innate ability to bring people joy and pleasure. The second reason is key, dependency. It’s a natural human reaction to be more emotionally invested in those things that are dependent on you. A properly bred and broken house dog is completely dependent on his owner. Harm done to your dog is harm done to you, just like a child. Right or wrong, rationally or irrationally, that is why people are so taken aback by what Michael Vick did. That is why most people would quietly support any action taken against him. That is why no one is in any hurry to get one of the greatest athletes alive on their football team any time soon.

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